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Painful Birth of Zero Number.

In the opening of new horizons, zero, sometimes cursed and sometimes indispensable figures, have a great influence on our books.

He was once accused of the devil's figure Bir

Then he was called the invention of the barbarians. 1299 In a Florence decree, we see that the Italian Florence bilingual guilds prohibit the use of Arabic numerals, especially "zero". A small note was also taken under the decision:, The use of this very uncommon figure outside the Arab countries can lead to great turmoil in trade da Karar

However, in response to this decision of the Florence ghetto, European traders, who began calculating on paper at that time, heavily used the zero number from the Arabs. Because without zero, it was almost impossible to make a written account with only Roman numerals.

Although it is quite late in Europe, it is seen that in many civilizations of antiquity, the concept of zero exists. In ancient Egypt, for example, a symbol was used instead of zero. On the other hand, again, the Egyptians had zero numbers. Even in 2000 it has been proven to have information. The ancient Egyptians showed the number 10 with the letter içe U “, the number 100 with the letter iyle C” and the number 1000 with the ”lotus flower Eski.

However, the biggest revolution in mathematics was not realized by the introduction of the zero figure, but by the emergence of the concept of devre position rakam in the placement of numbers. The Babylonians were the first to implement this lar position sequence of numbers iler system. However, they had a counting system of 60, and for them, the figure 32 was the following: 3 × 60 + 2

However, this number is 3 × 10 + 2 as it is known in the current system.

The Babylonians found the position system of the figures, but they did not use any symbols for the number “0 Bab. Instead of zero, they left a space in the middle of the figure. Of course, this was a problem in distinguishing between numbers like 11 and 101. Hundreds of years later, Babylonian traders had developed a two-line symbol instead of zero. This icon is for the first time, BC. It was used during the reign of Alexander the Great in 300 BC.

Although it is a very useful invention, the zero figure was not immediately accepted by other societies in Antiquity. The ancient Greeks were very well aware of the concept of ”absence bil which they regarded as equal to zero. However, they did not need to interpret it as a figure.

In ancient Greece's mystical-philosophical thought, every figure had a certain value, and there was no room for the zero number in the system of values, describing the void. According to the Greeks, the male figure is 1, logic; a female figure 2, general thought; 3 figure, general harmony; Number 4 symbolized the punishment. A new figure, like Zero, threatened to suppress all this mystical-philosophical system.

The zero figure appeared in China in the 8th century. Probably came from India. Another ancient civilization that recognized the zero was the Mayans. They were drawing this figure in the form of an eye in their specific form of writing. However, the reason why the Mayans are interested in the number 0 is even today. Because, the Mayan account system was a system that did not require the use of zero. In the Maya account system, households were followed by households with 20 households instead of 10 households, and households with 100 households.

Turning Point in the History of Zero and After

Sources do not concur during which civilization period and who were first introduced the concept of zero. However, the documents that have reached our time in the Old Indians, Starting from 632, a special sign is used for zero.

In contrast to the Romans and the Chinese, the former Indian Scholars used the numbers from 1 to 9, without arithmetical operations, without a specific letter or sign. Thus, in the calculation work, the numbers that multiplied from right to left first emerged. These figures, İ.S. After 632, he began to be known outside India. Syrian scholar, Severus Sebokht, a school director in Euphrates and also a monastery supervisor, speaks of the skills of the Indian account, which is superior to all known methods, that is, nine figures. This is an expression of the value of the narrative level of Indian figures.

However, these nine separate figures were not sufficient to express some numbers. Because; it is possible to denote a number 3754 which is three thousand seven hundred and fifty-four. A number with a value of three hundred and eight must not be formed as 38, and a different marking must be made to the remaining step. They had to make sense of the landır void landır to mark the step, to mark the step, and to indicate it. Indian scholars who named the point simge sunya ”or“ sun-wild “, or hollow with the word an kha” gave a new symbol as ”circle inde or“ point içi as a symbol to the empty digit.
This number sign, ie eser 0 yazılı or ilk. 400 (dot) sign, in the 400th anniversary of the militia, for the first time begins to be seen in Indian written works. The famous mathematician and astronomer of the Indian world, Brahmagupta, started the era of the use of the zero figure in the present sense. The Indian mathematician and astronomer Brahmagupta, working on quadratic equations, BC. In 628, the mathematical book showed how the five basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and expedition would be applied not only to positive numbers, but to negative numbers and zero numbers. Thus it has determined the exact logical rules for operations with zero. Brahmagupta had the courage to divide the spatial magnitudes at zero, and was able to say, göster The outcome of the zero-division of any number is infinite. Br Thus, the rule that India has given to the world of algebra has been reached, and the path for the other generalizations of the concept of number has been opened, and the natural sciences and the technique have established a solid mathematical foundation. The only exception to this was that zero was not divided by zero, which was not a definitive result.

Bhaskara, another Indian mathematician, described ’infinite… as: bir An amount that shows no change ne Whatever you add or remove to this amount, no change occurs” Like the eternity of God li Bir

For Zero, the existence of a separate special sign, and the ingenious use of the idea of ​​digits, made the ten system one of the most favorable systems of the scientific world, not just of mathematics. ”It is one of the most useful systems in the world, sistem says Pierre Simon Laplace, the French mathematician, for this case of the decade.

Number of Zero: Turkish-Islamic World and Europe

In 773, an Indian astronomer named Kankah came to the Caliph al-Mansur's palace with some books in his hand. The book, which the Indian knowledge brought with it to Baghdad, and attracted the attention of Caliph al-Mansur, was not really a work of Brah-magupta's Siddhanta. This work, which was translated into Arabic by the name of Sinhint, immediately spread among the caliphs and scholars of the time and spread rapidly.

This work, which was reconstructed by Khwarezmi, was translated by the English translator, Adelhard of Bath, into the science language of the time, Latin, and made available to Western scholars. The first copies of the work written by Harezmi in 830 are in the Vienna Palace Library.

It is observed that Indian-Arabic figures rose rapidly in Europe after 1202. However, the Arabic numerals and the Roman numerals continued their existence for two centuries. The defenders of the Roman numerals were called “abacusists uc. This group continued to do mathematical operations in abacuses persistently. Those who defended the Arabic numerals were called eb algebras Arap. This word came from the Arabic mathematician Mohammad al-Harezmi, who gave countless works in this field and would later take his place in Circum Spice. The two sides have competed with each other for two centuries.

Gerbert was the poet and mathematician of the throne of the papal throne, who taught the ten different forms of the Islamic World, including ’Arab Numerals“ in the Western literature, for the first time in the West. Gerbert's influence lasted eight centuries. Gerbert completed his studies at the Aurlillac Cathedral. As a result of his knowledge, he has attracted the attention of many mathematicians. As a result, he accelerated his mathematical research.


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