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A Genius Mathematician: Bernhard Riemann

Think of a mathematician who has given meaning to the theory of many scientists and has put a lot of formulas into a 40-year short life; Bernhard Riemann.
Year 1854. Bernhard Riemann, a young scholar at the age of 28. He desires to be an Associate Professor. He worked on his associate professorship thesis for 30 months. In the final stage, he must teach in front of the jury. The jury will choose one of the three topics he expects and ask him to tell. The head of the jury is Carl Frideric Gauss. Gauss was a mathematician who became a legend in Europe at that time. Riemann, a young mathematician, has a timid structure that has avoided talking in the community since childhood. Feeling the fear of the lesson day makes the subject selection, handing over to the jury. Two of the subjects he chooses are electrical and geometry. He has worked hard on electrical issues; he knows that Gauss has been arguing with physicist Wilhelm Weber for years. He expects Gauss to ask him to explain one of the electrical chapters. So he works less on geometry and doesn't feel ready about it.

The decision of the jury is a complete disappointment for Riemann. The jury, with the suggestion of Gauss, asked the young mathematician to describe his thesis on the assumptions underlying the geometry. The young mathematician was wrong; because there is something she doesn't know: Gauss has been thinking about it for the rest of her life and she's been wondering how such a difficult subject would be studied by such a young person.

Riemann is astonished, sad, pessimistic. He is so concentrated in physics-related chapters in his studies that even after learning that the subject of the conference was r geometry konferans, he could not take himself out passionately for electricity research for a while. But after a short time, he recovered and completed his work titled mas On the assumptions underlying the geometry inin by completing it again in 7 weeks and the expected day has come.

On June 10, 1854, he was in front of Gauss and the judges. Excitedly, when the speech that he had started with hesitance ended, the hall became silent, and nobody could understand much from what is said except for the president of the jury. Seeing the depth of Riemann's thinking, Gauss is astonished and amazed. This speech is above its expectations. Gauss spoke to Wilhelm Weber to present Riemann's words da Efficient, perfect, great creativity ie.

A person who tries to reach Riemann through the path drawn by the history of mathematics will first encounter the theory known as Riemannian geometry. Even after 60 years after his exposition in 1854, it was not completely understood, then he perfectly justified the General Theory of Relativity. This historical lesson has led to revolutionary results not only in mathematics but also in physics and universe sciences. . I would never have developed a theory of relativity if I had not been aware of this work of Riemann,. Said Albert Einstein.

This course, which was given by Riemann in 1854, is considered to be one of the milestones of the history of science. The poet and the writer Tarık Günersel talked about this historical conversation: The young mathematician finished the presentation and the professor mocked laughter. Bak Would such geometry? Ie Riemann looked at Gauss with no regard for them. His seat was empty. I mean, he just left. He ran after him. Corridor. Night. The mathematician is looking at the stars. “How did you find the master?”? My cycle was closed. I feel bad for him. A new era began. ’He died at the age of forty Riemann, 1866ks Contributions Einstein provided mathematics in the theory of relativity.

Family Structure, Personality and Early Years

Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann was born on September 17, 1826 in a small village in Hanover. His father, Friederich Bernhard Riemann, a poor Lutheran pastor, fought in the Napoleonic wars. He marries Charlotte Ebelf. She has six children. Bernhard is the second largest child in the family. But the mother dies before the children reach puberty.

Riemann is trained by his father and private tutor until he is twelve years old. At the age of twelve, he jumped into the first two classes of the middle school and entered the third grade. It is successful in courses other than mathematics but it is not extraordinary. The closed structure prevents friends. He hates to draw attention to himself. He doesn't like to talk in front of the community. If he has to talk, he tries to prepare the promises he will say in advance. According to some biographers, this effort has led to a perfectionist personality. Gauss, on the other hand, says that the perfection in his student's work is related to his personality traits.

Written at the Lüneburg High School at the age of sixteen, Riemann studied Hebrew and theology, which were considered the most difficult subjects of that period, but they did not interest them. His passion for doing math is also evident in this field, and he wants to prove the existence of God! But Kurt Gödel can't even succeed so far! He adhered to his religion for the rest of his life, but he never became religious. The famous German mathematician Richard Dedekind wrote his friend, who wrote his life story. For Riemann, the point is that religion is a daily conscience test.

A Historical Hypothesis from a Book

The high school principal opened up his personal library to see Bernhard's mathematical talent. Riemann begins to examine the principal's recommended mathematics books. His first book is an essay on Legendre's Theory of Numbers. The high-level eight-hundred-page pages can be read in six days. The manager replied, ”Where did you read it? Bir Riemann replies, ie It's a perfect book, I understand it completely. Müdür His later work is a proof of the correctness of his response to the school principal.

Riemann, steps into the mysterious world of prime numbers with Legendre's book. He takes his name with Legendre's book. Legendre proposed a formula for calculating the number of minor prime numbers more or less than a given number. After years, Riemann strives to make a general solution to this problem. One of the most brilliant works is on this issue.

When Riemann is dealing with the above mentioned problem, he begins to examine the distribution of prime numbers in all natural numbers and today comes a series known as the Riemann zeta function. Riemann observes that the frequency of prime numbers is highly dependent on the behavior of this function, and today reveals a claim that is still unresolved, known as the Riemann Hypothesis. This hypothesis was published in the monthly notes of the University of Berlin at the age of thirty-three.

It is not wrong to say that the Riemann Hypothesis is the most important problem that cannot be solved in mathematics today. It is one of three questions with a prize of $ 1 million. If the general solution can be made, it will be possible to reach very important information about the distribution of prime numbers.


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